How to get Free Riot Points

This is a legit guide for those of you who want to know how get free Riot Points for League of Legends! you’ll be rewarded in points and or cash for completing offers, surveys, or even playing games. Once you have enough for your Riot Points redeem them. it’s as simple as that!

First things first Sign up, Signing up on this guide will create your Rewards1 account for you! Second thing is to Start Earning, Earn enough for your Riot Points by doing offers and surveys on Rewards1! Third thing is Redeem, Once you have enough for your Riot Points, go to the Redeem – Code Rewards page to find and claim your Riot Points Code, It should look something like this.

What are Riot Points you ask? Riot points are the League of Legends in-game currency that you can buy with real money ( or earn in your case). so instead of playing countless games to get enough influence points (IP) for that new champion you’ve been wanting, just get some free RP emailed to you from Rewards1 instead!

Create your account to start earning rewards! Just use the simple form below and you should be redirected to where you can start earning your freebies. Remember that you need to be at least 13 years old to sign up!

Join Now!~

Riot Points picture
